The Thirteen Fathers: A Series

Thirteen Fathers Series

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Further Reading:

For many readers my fictionalized novel will be your first exposure to the world of prehistory, especially the world of our Indo-European ancestors; Other readers will have encountered, or be familiar with, many of the tropes and mythology I draw on. Either way, I would like to draw your attention to some of the ground-breaking work in this field by introducing some of the books I consider important or interesting. While they vary in technical difficult and subject matter, you may find them to be worthwhile background material especially if you have an intellectual curiosity about the period. Clicking on the cover image will take you to Amazon if you wish to purchase them.

An Author's Note on Prehistorical Fiction:

Literature in prehistoric settings is not new, in fact it’s been around the mid 19th century! However since that time much (if not most) prehistoric fiction has focused on the distant past of the Ice Ages or Upper Paleolithic. Moreover, due to the dearth of any definite understanding of human populations and their connection with the archaeological record many have (rightly) delved into fantasy. 

To my knowledge this is the first attempt to connect three major elements: (1) the recent advance in our knowledge of human migration and the origin of our Indo-European ancestors; (2) a story set at the boundary of the Neolithic and Aeneolithic (Copper) Ages; and (3) our earliest myths (the struggle against Chaos) in narrative form.